
APTIS Member Institutions
and PG Taught T&I Programmes

We always welcome new member institutions

If you are a UK or Irish HE institution with a BA and/or MA programme in Translation and Interpreting, then please consider joining APTIS. Becoming part of APTIS means that you are part of a peer-support network. You will receive regular news and updates on our mailing list. 

You will also have the opportunity to shape the future of our Association by attending our AGMs, get your students' work recognised by one of our Prizes and also apply to host our annual conference!

Supporting threatened programmes

Goldsmiths, University of London

Please click here to read our letter to Professor Corner OBE, as Warden of Goldsmiths, University of London, Prof Hill, as Pro-Warden Academic, and Helen Watson, as Chief Operating Officer.

University of Roehampton

Cardiff University

Please click here to read our letter to Professor Wendy Larner, Vice-Chancellor and President, and Prof Walford Davies, Deputy Vice-Chancellor.